Sunday, May 30, 2010


Holiday is back again. Nothing to do at home again. But its fun staying at home, i dont know why? Hahaha. Guess its because you can do whatever you want to =p Let me post about.... hmmm.... about... my holiday's life.

Friday - Wesak day (fyi, i dont celebrate, but its a holiday for me xp)
Morning woke up help my mom do housework then around 11 something went to watch movie. What movie again? wait i recall awhile >.< Oh ya! Its Letters To Juliet! Nice movie, sweet ending but middle kinda sad. Not really many people watch that day. A lot of empty space. so after movie, went home, online till night around 6 something i guess, went to ER movie nite out. The movie was nice, touching. Its called A Letter To Dad. The movie was about a father and a son and bla bla bla, if interested go search in youtube =) ps lazy wanna introduce here. The movie finished around 9.30 ++, then pray before we went back. The person in charge for praying call us to gather with our family if we do come in family, so i didnt just went with friends. So we're like" our family at home le, went back home? " Then i just laugh laugh laugh and began to pray. After pray went back, and slept around 1 something i guess. AND OH YA! you know what ? the people went for the movie nite out, brought their blanket, brought their pillow, many pack of snacks along you know, and lie on the floor and enjoy the movie. Why dont just bring the whole room there ho? Hahaha =p

So yea... Thats what i did on the friday holiday =)

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