Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Things that happened during school....

Hmm... Morning woke up, bath, packed everything and went to school... Arrived did English homework.. While half way doing it, penggawas came and say"Assembly!! Line up line up!!" *Switching off the light and fans* So all went down... And lined up at the basketball field. I guess around 3o mins later Mr.Sun came out and "smile" at us, all Form 3, 4, 5& 6 =D Mr. Sun gave us the "brightest smile" for about 1 hour plus plus.. Mr. Sun was on my right side so my right ear was hot and red after the 1 hour plus plus together with Mr. Sun =) I actually comb wrong side of my hair should be on the right side so that can block Mr.Sun's smile =) Cause my hair is kinda long enough to block =D Form teacher keep on looking at me, sure she thinking:" Hmm... the front hair so long, still don't want to clip it up, so untidy..." Cause I use my front hair to cover my face so that it will be better, like the kind people emo kind, but I'm not emo =D Then in class, teacher start talking about disciplinary thingy and so on and so on include girls hair too... hahaha =D While talking half way, the first period bell rang then teacher told was fire drill, but it is not... hahahah... =P

First four period no teacher a bit fun =) All my friends were playing with the chalk dust (something like that la, didnt know how to call it) They splash it on each others hair and keep on playing and playing and playing, i didnt join them cause kinda allergic to that thingy =) So yea...

So thats what happen during school today =) Hope tomorrow will have a fun day like today too... =) The End =D

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